Peristaltic Pump Heads
What to consider when choosing a pump head Masterflex Standard, Easy-Load®, Easy-Load® II, and High Performance pump heads will all deliver excellent performance in dispensing applications. If you anticipate frequent tubing changes due to product change-over and wish to balance that need against initial cost, the Easy-Load and Easy-Load II pump heads are the best choice. Newer choices include Easy-Load 3 -offers the easiest tubing changes yet and Cytoflow -best performance with live cells.
Flow rate
Different pump heads have different flow rate capabilities.
Gentle pumping action
Ideal for shear-sensitive fluids, semisolids, heterogeneous mixtures, and fluids containing proteins and other large molecules.
Number of channels
Many pump heads are stackable, multichannel heads accommodate either synchronous or independently controlled channels.
More to consider
Chemical compatibility—If chemicals spill, the pump head materials become important.
Accuracy—Standard pump heads deliver the most accurate and repeatable flow rates.
Special features—open-head sensor, fixed or adjustable occlusion
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